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McCoy Wynne

Guest Speakers

McCoy and Wynne are two photographers that are well established and based in the UK. Stephanie Wynne has a fascination for architecture and the built environment and this came from her early training in town planning. Stephen McCoy was and educator in Further and Higher Education and his background in photography is documentary based with an emphasis on location and environmental issues. Together they describe their work as intelligent and analytical.

Photography for me is difficult to understanding terms of its meaning. To me i like looking at pictures if they appeal to me aesthetically but I'm not that interested in the meaning personally. This might come form that good old saying that a picture can tell a thousand words and i like it when there are is no analysis attached to them as it lets the picture talk for itself.

Both Stephanie and Stephen had some interesting views and pointers for networking and the importance it can have on building up your representation as a designer or in their cases photographers. They spoke of a time where they applied the cold calling approach to marketing as they used to phone up what they thought could be hopeful clients. This approach would occasionally pay off for them and help them build up their image as photographers. Sophie went on to discuss the ever important role of social media and how it can be a very helpful tool to get your work out there. They also gave some pointers on how to approach the social media world and how to direct your work to potential customers. I found this very helpful as one of my biggest weaknesses is my reluctancy to publish my work.

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